الأحد، 14 أبريل 2013

#ليبيا مناشدة من الجالية الليبية في #اليونان الي المؤتمر الوطني

مناشدة من الجالية الليبية في اليونان بخصوص اصرار وزارة الخارجية
الليبية علي خطة ازالة مبنى المدرسة الليبية باثينا - اليونان

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السيد رئيس المؤتمر الوطني العام...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته...
بفارغ الصبر انتظرنا اليوم الذي نتحرر فيه من عبودية وجبروت الطاغية المردوم وننعم فيه بالحرية والديمقراطية والعدالة وكان 17فبراير فجرا ليتحقق بعدة حلمنا.
الموضوع الذي اردنا الاشارة اليه هوما يتداول حاليا حول اصرار وزارة الخارجية الليبية علي خطة ازالة مبنى المدرسة الليبية باثينا، المسيرة ذاتيا.
اننا نستغرب الدوافع التي تبنتها وزارة خارجيتنا لاتخاذ مثل هذا القرار، ونستغرب ايضا،عندما نعرف ان سبب الازالة هوانتهاز الفرصة لبناء مبني جديد، يضم السفارة، مكان مبنى المدرسة، ويضم اليها مبني القنصلية والمسجد المقام علي ملحق خارجي بالساحة المدرسية.
المدرسة الليبية يدرس بها الان عدد يفوق المائة طالب وطالبة من الليبيين، ومن جنسيات مختلفة، اطفال متعددي الجنسيات، وتقوم بتدريس المراحل الابتدائية والاعدادية والثانوية مقابل رسوم مالية لكل الطلبة، كان النظام السابق يتكفل بتسديدها، سواء ابناء العاملين بالسفارة اوابناء الجالية الليبية.
بالأمس القريب وبعد نجاح الثورة وتحرير البلاد، من عهد ظالم، كانت المبادرة الطيبة من السفارة التي توصلت الى اتفاق مع احدي الشركات اليونانية، لصيانة المدرسة مجانا كهدية لثورتنا المباركة، وبتقديم دعم مالي مباشر من سفارتنا، لتسديد مرتبات المدرسين عن فترة انقطاع عمل المدرسة اثناء احداث الثورة، وشعرنا بفرحة لان بدانا نلمس التغيير الذي حصل بعد نهاية النظام السابق، بعد ذلك، كانت المفاجأة الكبرى، وهوبدء الشروع في تنفيذ خطة لازالة المدرسة، وان الرسومات الهندسية جاهزة وشركة البناء ومعاول الهدم بالانتظار..
ليس امام ابنائنا مدارس عربية اخرى، باليونان ليتعلموا فيها لغتهم ودينهم وتكون الرابط الذى يشدهم لبلدهم ليبيا ..لقد كنا ننتظر دعم المدرسة بكل أشكاله وكنا ننتظر اضافة واستحداث مرافق ليبية اخري باليونان كمركز ثقافي ومركز اسلامي ومركز استثماري دعما لعلاقات بلدنا مع دولة الجوار التي نرتبط معها بروابط تاريخية تعود لثلاثة الاف عام, لا ان يهدم المرفق الوحيد،الذي يملك تصريحا من الحكومة اليونانية،وهوالتصريح الحكومي الوحيد، الذي تنفرد به مدرستنا، ومسالة فقدان هذا التصريح الوحيد واردة اذا تمت ازالة مبنى المدرسة.
ان الساحة الاجمالية لمبني القنصلية والمسجد،والفناء، والملعب، كافية لبناء مبني للسفارة مكان القنصلية، مع بقاء المدرسة كما هي، كما نؤكد علي اهمية الاخذ فى الاعتبار بتوفير مكان بديل للمسجد، بمبني السفارة، المراد أقامته، وهنا نقترح تعديل خرائط المبني، وشراء فيلا سكنية لسعادة السفير، خاصة ونحن علي دراية تامة بوجد ربع مليون عقار شاغر في اليونان، اغلبها شقق وفيلات سكنية.
ان ابناء الجالية الليبية والعربية المسلمة في اليونان، يشعرون بالغضب الشديد، لما يتداول حاليا عن موضوع الازالة، الذي ستضرر منه، ابناء وبنات الجاليات العربية المسلمة، وما يترتب على ذلك من ضياع الهوية والثقافة العربية والاسلامية، التي كان تقدمها هذه المدرسة العربية الوحيدة، طيلة سنوات عديدة، ونتمنى ان تستمر في المدرسة في تقديم هذه الخدمة الجليلة.
والسلام علـيكم ورحمة الله وبـركاتـه
عن الجالية الليبية في اليونان
رئيس الجالية: يحي عبد القادر الثنى
اثينا 05/04/2013
نسخة الى:
- القائم باعمال السفارة الليبية اليونان /اثينا
- السيد رئيس الوزراء
- السيد وزير الخارجية والتعاون الدولي
- السيد وزير التعليم والتربية
ليبيا المستقبل

#ليبيا إيفاد عدد من منتسبي هيئة شؤون المحاربين إلى الخارج .

إيفاد عدد من منتسبي هيئة شؤون المحاربين إلى الخارج . طرابلس 14أبريل 2013 ( وال ) - أعلنت هيئة شؤون المحاربين اليوم الأحد عن إيفاد ( 18000 ) من منتسبي الهيئة إلى الخارج لتأهيلهم وتطوير قدراتهم من خلال دورات مكثفة وعالية المستوى كل حسب تخصصه . وأوضحت مصادر الهيئة أن وزير التعليم العالي قد وقع يوم الأربعاء الماضي قرارا يقضى بإيفادهم إلى الخارج. وبينت المصادرأنه تم توزيعهم على أربع مجموعات تضم المجموعة الاولى لعام 2013 ( 5000 ) محارب وعام 2014 ( 4500 ) محارب وعام 2015 (4500) محارب وعام 2016 ( 4000 ) محارب. وأشارت المصادر إلى أنه سيتم وضع قوائم لهؤلاء الموفدين إلى الخارج خلال الفترة القادمة حتى يتسنى لكل محارب معرفة موعد سفره إلى الدولة الموفد إليها . وأفاد السيد " مصطفى الواعر " مدير المنطقة الغربية لهيئة شؤن المحاربين وكالة الأنباء الليبية أن برنامج الايفاد إلى الخارج يتضمن إعداد وتدريب المحاربين الذين يشغلون وظائف في الحكومة والمؤسسات المدنية والعسكرية لتأهيلهم والرفع من قدراتهم . (وال) وكالة الأنباء الليبية

المركز الصحى #بنغازي ينظم ندوة علمية حول ضغط الدم ضمن برامج يوم الصحة العالمي .

بنغازي 14 ابريل 2013 ( وال ) - نظم المركز الصحي بمدينة بنغازي ، بالتعاون مع مكتب الإعلام والتوعية والتثقيف الصحي بإدارة الخدمات الصحية بالمدينة أمس السبت ، ندوة علمية حول ضغط الدم ، وذلك ضمن برامج يوم الصحة العالمي . وتضمنت هذه الندوة التي استهدفت العاملين بالمركز الصحى إلقاء ورقتين علميتين حول التعريف بمرض ضغط الدم والوقاية منه وطرق علاجه وأساليب التعامل معه . وتناولت الصيدلانية بالمركز الدكتورة " غادة الفيتورى " ، في ورقتها العلمية الأولى التعريف بمضارالادوية المحظورة على مرضى الضغط . وتركزت الورقة الثانية التي قدمها عضو هيئة التدريس بكلية الطب بجامعة بنغازي الدكتور " صالح الفايدى " ، حول العلاقة بين ارتفاع ضغط الدم بالوزن . ..( وال ).. وكالة الأنباء الليبية

عدد من مؤسسات المجتمع المدنى #ببنغازي تستنكر قرار ضم أسر شهداء #أبوسليم الى وزارة رعاية أسر الشهداء والمفقودين دون باقي شهداء #ليبيا.

بنغازى 14 أبريل 2013 ( وال ) - نددت عدد من مؤسسات المجتمع المدنى المعنية بشؤون أسر الشهداء والمفقودين في بنغازي بقرار رئيس الحكومة المؤقتة السيد " علي زيدان " ، القاضى بضم أسر شهداء مذبحة " أبو سليم" إلى وزارة رعاية أسرالشهداء والمفقودين دون باقى الفئات من الشهداء. وطالبت فى بيان لها تحصلت وكالة الانباء الليبية على نسخة منه بإلزام الحكومة المؤقتة لإصدار قرار بنفس الإجراء لباقى الفئات من أسر الشهداء والتى وردت بمراسلات وزارة رعاية أسر الشهداء والمفقودين ، وإعطاء الاهتمام اللازم والعناية الكاملة لملف المفقودين . ويشار إلى أن المؤسسات التى استنكرت هذا القرار هى رابطة اهالى شهداء مذبحة سجن ابو سليم، واتحاد اسر شهداء ومفقودي ليبيا ، وجمعية شهداء الرحلة (1103) ، ورابطة اهالى شهداء المواجهات ضد النظام السابق ، ورابطة ضباط أغسطس 1975 ، ورابطة شهداء 17 فبراير 1987 ، ورابطة زوجات شهداء ليبيا الحرة ، ورابطة اهالى شهداء 17 فبراير 2006 . ويذكر أن قرار رئيس الحكومة المؤقتة تضمن تقديم الخدمات لأسر شهداء "أبوسليم" وحصرهم ومتابعة أحوالهم طبقا للتشريعات النافذة . معلوم أن مذبحة " أبوسليم" البشعة التى ارتكبها نظام المقبور بحق (1270) شابا من أبنائنا الذين كانوا يناضلون من أجل رفع الظلم والاستبداد الذي كان يمارس ضد أبناء الشعب الليبي. (وال) وكالة الأنباء الليبية

#Libya: Interior Ministry Warns It is Not Responsible for Illegal Prisons Not Under Its Control

The Interior Ministry calls on its different security departments to cooperate and coordinate with the judicial authorities in connection with the existence of any detainees they hold.

The Ministry's spokesperson, Majdi El Urfi, said in Benghazi on Friday that the law is crystal clear about the detention period in custody in police stations. The detention period must not exceed 48 hours and could only be in rare case but the coordination with the judicial authorities.

The El-Urfi underlined on this occasion that the interior ministry cannot be held responsible for any prison or detention center that is not under its control.

The warning is significant and may indicate that Libyan authorities are about to change the policy of dealing with militias and might also preparing to use force in order to zero in on outlaws.

Meanwhile, The police academy in Tripoli stared receiving applications from candidates belonging to the Supreme Security Committee(SSC) and who want to join the national police force.

El-Urfi said the Academy has already accepted 1332 candidates from different regions of the country who are highly qualified.

On the conditions of acceptance, El Urfi said candidates have met the requested criteria such as health test and a clean criminal record.

The candidates will receive an intensive formation and training covering the different fields of security, law and other courses in order to provide them with the necessary training in the best way possible their tasks.

 tripoli post

Exclusive interview with Tarek Mitri, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNSMIL in #Libya

Mr Tarek Mitri, the Special Representative of the UN General Secretary and Head of UNSMIL in Libya

In a candid and exclusive interview with The Tripoli Post on 3 April at UNSMIL headquarters in Tripoli, Mr. Tarek Mitri, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) answered many questions that are currently being raised in the media in Libya.

He also spoke of the challenges that are faced by UNSMIL in Libya and what he called misunderstandings with regards to his mission in the country.

Mr. Mitri says Libya is making consistent progress, has a strong leadership that is fully aware of the challenges it is facing and it has the support of the world community, these are all ingredients of success.

He praises UNSMIL’s relationship with the government and gave advices of a friend to friends. Here are excerpts of that interview:

Q: The Security Council extended last March UNSMIL mandate for another 12 months period, do you think one year is sufficient enough to fulfill and implement it?

A: May be not, I do not know but this how the Secretary Council functions. The United Nations called it special political mission and normally special political missions do not live long. How short lived will UNSMIL be, I have no idea. But we have been extended another year and the Libyan authorities are very pleased with it because they seem to appreciate the work we are doing and the assistance we are providing to them.

Q: Have you made achievements with regard to the implantation of your mandate in terms of priority areas such as democratic process, security issues etc.?

A: I do not think that UNSMIL is here to achieve but it is here to help the Libyans achieve. I am not saying this to suggest that we should not be held accountable for what we do or what we fail to do. I think we need people’s objective evaluation. We need to be self-critical and I think we have done less of what we had hoped to do. But the major issue has to do with the ability of the Libyans to move forward in the democratic and transitional process. What I have been telling the Security Council where I have spoken three times since my appointment is that there is progress in Libya. It may be insufficient but it is real. There are major obstacles but they are not insurmountable. And If I have to sum up in two sentences: there is progress, it is slow but it is real.

Q: Can you give us an idea about areas where there is progress and those that witness major obstacles?

A: On Saturday 30 April, I visited the minister of Justice to talk about torture and disappearances because we had received family of dead people who have been given the bodies of their beloved ones and then we had well documented reports of torture. We had names, full detailed stories and also had more than one testimony and we checked that with other people not just families. Then I went to see the minister of Justice and gave him the report we prepared.

So, we thought that supporting the ministry of Justice would entail sharing with them whatever information we have carefully verified and the minister appreciated that very much and we had an exchange on what is happening. On Sunday, there were those who were upset with the statement the minister had made earlier referring to illegal armed groups that control Maatiga. So that is an example.

A year ago, prison facilities were under the control of the brigades. Now most of them are under the Ministry of Justice’s control. There is progress and when I say it is insufficient it is because sometimes the control of the government is nominal. It will take time before it becomes effective. We are not a human rights organisation, therefore it is not a report that we publish and make big noise about. We are not here to condemn what it has been done or not. We are here to advise and support the authorities.

Let me take another example, we are helping the Libyan Ministry of Defence and the Chief of Staff develop a defence white paper. We have worked on this interactively with the Libyan authorities. It is a very elaborate 200-page document which took more than a year to finish because we had to discuss every paragraph draft with our Libyan counterparts. We could have given it to a specialist. He or she could have drafted it in one week but we did it in a more participatory manner. However, documents by themselves do not change the world but at least it gives the Libyans a tool. We are also helping in developing the concept and structure of para-military body that Libyan leaders want to establish.

The areas where progress is more tangible are area of election. We helped the Libyans organise the July elections. We are helping them organise the sixty-member constitution drafting assembly. We are helping the High commission on elections digitizing the vote registry. This is a huge amount of work. When it comes to elections because it is very concrete and the objective is very clear we are moving ahead, and we can measure what we have been achieved.

Q: State formation is always very difficult thing to do, and Libya obviously has witnessed a systematic destruction of state institutions during the last 42 years, so given the strong mandate the UNSMIL has in running the country according to Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, why a strong national army and police force have not been established yet?

A: First I must tell you that part of the problem we sometimes face with our Libyan friends in conversations is that they tend to overestimate both the role and the capacities of the United Nations and for a variety of political reasons, they blow the role of the UNSMIL out of proportion. But let me say what the mandate means: whatever the UN does in Libya, it does it in strict, scrupulous respect of Libyan sovereignty. We do not interfere in domestic political issues in Libya. We do not make any decisions that belong to Libyans, and we do not do our work or engage in any initiative unless asked by the Libyan authorities or in some cases by Libyan non-governmental organisations that call on us and ask for our support. We open ourselves to possibility of giving support to NGOS as well. We are here primarily working with the Libyan government and we are here also to serve the Libyan people and sometimes serving the Libyan people might mean empowering the governmental organisations like human rights organisation. And if we are interested in the problem of disappearances and there is organisations like Mafkud (Missing) and are interested in this issue, then, it is part of our moral, political obligation of our organisation to help them do their work.

So I think the most important thing is to bring things to a reasonable proportion where we respect strictly and scrupulously Libya’s sovereignty. Our role is advisory and has to do with technical assistance mostly to the Libyan authorities but also to organisations active within the Libyan society. We do not give advice unless we are asked. Sometimes, we sort of remind our interlocutors of their international obligations. Libya is signatory of international treaties. Sometimes we warn them and remind them of a number of principles and war them against possible consequences like we say if you do this, there is a chance that this will result in this and in that.

As for chapter seven, the resolution of the security council that extended UNSMIL mandate has three parts: a general one about Libya and the situation here, peace and security in the region and the world and how Libya is important because for any resolution to be under chapter seven, you have to show that this situation might threaten peace and security in the region and in the world and that is the justification for the chapter seven. So you have one part of the resolution which tries to explain why Libya is important and there is another part of the resolution which is about the sanctions, arms embargo and frozen assets. And this something that was put in place to help Libya not to punish it. In order to help Libya you have to commit all the United Nations members. So chapter seven means that states that are members of the United Nations are obliged to comply with sanctions.

So we need chapter seven to show that Libya is important to the region and to the world. For the sanctions, you need chapter seven to make sure all member states comply. For UNSMIL renewal, we do not need chapter seven because there is nothing coercive in UNSMIL resolution. UNSMIL is not the embodiment of chapter seven in Libya. Chapter seven in this case, and by no means, does not mean that it is in the intention of any member of the Security Council to send troops to Libya.

Q: What is the UNSMIL’s role in drafting the Libyan constitution?

A: With regards to the constitution drafting process, we do not interfere in the process. It is none of our business. It is a sovereign act. It is for the Libyans to write their constitution. But I think that it is our obligation to tell them that the constitution is not just a document that is written by a group of people and if they disagree, they put it to vote. The constitution is a new social contract that binds a society together. The constitution is a set of shared values that make a nation, a nation. Therefore, the more the constitution reflects large consensus in society and the more inclusive is the discussion about the constitution the better. It is your decision and it is not ours but we would like to remind you of the principles and warn you against what might happen if you fail to abide by those principles.

Q: What kind of help or support USMIL provides to non-governmental organizations?

A: We do not have money to give to people. We mostly help them in organising events, provide them with expertise, bring sometime resource persons, take them to conferences whether regional or international and expose them to experience of other countries where they can learn what it has been done in South Africa or Spain and elsewhere. We have to make clear distinction between what is political and what is civil before we use this term. Nevertheless, we use it. When political parties create NGOS and tell us this is civil society, it is ridiculous. Civil society suggests a measure of autonomy vis a vis of the political society. In the Arab world, there is no autonomy of the civil society vis a vis of the political one. They call them civil society organisations but I do not like the word. It does not mean anything. It means all things to all people that is why I do not use the word. Anyway, most of those who speak about civil society have not read Ibn Khaldun.

Q: How do you evaluate UNSMIL’s relations with the Libyan government?

A: Our relations with the government are extremely good at the highest possible level. I think, and I have no reason to believe otherwise, that they have full trust in us and we often speak with each other as intimate friends. May be because I myself am an Arab, I am more sensitive to this personal friendship that we have developed with the Libyan leaders. That is true with the highest level but not when it comes to the level of the mid management where they know little about what we do and sometimes they lack the basic knowledge and understanding as for who does what. They can also be suspicious of any foreigner. They can be afraid. They can be unsecure. But the reorganisation of the Libyan public administration, again, is a Libyan affair. The Libyans need to sort this out. We cannot do it for them. But what we can do and are doing is from the experience that we have developed in working with government officials and with lower level managers at their ministries, we have clearer ideas as to how they should organise themselves.

Q: What would you say to those many Libyans who feel disappointed as far as the lack of progress is concerned and see slowness in a comeback of a strong central government? Some even attribute that to the failure of the United Nations mission in Libya...?

A: I heard very well and I have much sympathy of what you have said. I am not a Libyan therefore I will be more reserved but we have to bear in mind where we were and where we are now. I understand those who are impatient and disappointed. Those who are impatient had hope that change will come about. I think any country that has gone through a revolution like Libya change takes time to mature. Gaddafi left the country table rasa. Hardly any institution is functioning. In Libya everything must be rebuilt; institutions, hospitals, police, the judicial police, prisons. This is a huge task and therefore, this will take time.

You are absolutely right when you were saying that the main issue is that of extending the authority of the government over the Libyan territory and the legitimate armed forces have the monopoly of arms. There would be no State if this monopoly and the use of arms is not under the State. But to get there, there is a number of obstacles that should be lifted and some of those obstacles have not been yet lifted for political reasons, because those who are not prepared to facilitate the process, do it for political interests. They hold on for their arms for a variety of reasons: some for political reasons. Some because they do not have enough trust in the army and the police. Some think that the revolution goes on and is not over and need those arms to continue to purge the country from Gaddafi’s groups (Azlam inndham al makbur). There are also people who worry about an employment.

Strong Leadership

There are huge problems and look at what had happened. But I think you have a strong leadership. They are firm and they know what they are talking about and I think firmness and principled position give more strength which turns into more political strength if the people support the government. Now the story of the Minister of Justice is not what happened to him on Sunday [the running over of the Ministry’s building by an armed group]. It is the fact that he did not give in. He continues to say what he said on Friday. So he was not intimidated. Intimidation by armed people did not work. So if now those who are disappointed give the Minister of Justice more support, he would be in a better condition to resist further intimidation.

The Minister of Interior got 36.000 persons in the Supreme Security committee who will be joining the police force. Such a number is not insignificant. I remember having a discussion with Libyan friends and one of them told me the best minister can aim for is getting 3000 people. I thought he needed ten thousand because the Libyan population is six millions. Now he got 36.000. It is moving ahead and in six months Libya will have about 50.000 well trained police force. This is a serious business. Everybody is prepared to offer training. We have matrix of what has been offered to Libya. Countries are prepared to train and many others are ready to sell equipments. So Libya has no problem equipping its police force in the best possible manner. It has no problem also training them wherever they want: Turkey, France, Jordan, Spain, Germany etc. It is up to the Libyans to choose.

The crackdown on armed gangs in Tripoli is not negligible. Tripoli today, as far as general security, is concerned is better than it was three weeks ago. We have the experience of Benghazi, do you remember when we feared the demonstrations of 15 February and there will be cataclysmic event and violent demonstrations on the streets of Benghazi and that would spill over to other parties of Libya and may be Tripoli. I remember here, we got strict instructions to our staff. We thought it was going to blow up on February 15 but it did not. All what we feared did not happen because this time around there were serious security measures taken in Benghazi and everywhere. Since February political assassination in Benghazi and the crime rate have been in decline. These are little things but if you put them together, the police, the armed gangs in Tripoli, the decline in political assassination in Benghazi, the resistance or resilience of the Minister of Justice all indicate progress.

Q: But UNSMIL did not issue a statement supporting the Minister of Justice and condemning the attack?

A: No we do not do that every time that something happens. Because again it may look like interfering in internal political affairs but it is publically known that we work with the government and we are on its side.

Q: Is the Libyan government strong enough to do its job?

A: In all the briefings I have given to the Security Council our position has been very clear on that there is progress. It is not enough and I know. But frankly speaking, in view of what Libya has gone through during the last 42 years, in view of the magnitude of problems and the institutional deficit that exist in Libya one could not expect miracles but there is progress. It is real and sometimes it goes unnoticed and the credits should go to the Libyans who want the rule of law and to the political leadership. Ali Zidan went and spoke to the Security Council and after he spoke and left, we had a closed session and you could see in the room what you may call ‘Zidan Effect’, the 15 members of the Security Council, Russia and China included, were more enthusiastic in supporting Libya than in the previous times which means that he came across as someone who is determined. He has a political will, he knows where he is going and he is worthy of trust. That was the best Security Council closed meeting on Libya and it was so because of Zidan Effect. So you have a leadership that is forthcoming and strong that knows where Libya is going. All they need is more support from the Libyan people.

Q: Zidan himself has to reach out to the people to gain massive public support. In this regard, do not you think that Zidan’s government is suffering from a lack of communication?

A: They could do more. I think the Prime Minister and the government need to communicate more and get their message heard by larger sectors of the Libyan population. I think more will come soon. Now Libya has a Ministry of Information but the role is clear neither to him nor to the people who appointed him.

Q: In view of what is going in the Libyan media do you think the sector should regulate itself?

A: Yes, the sector should be able to regulate itself. But as you know, Libya is a country which was deprived of freedom of expression, media was not free. Today everybody enjoys freedom of the media. Social media is freer than ever before and the freedom that you have not exercised before is not without risks. People invent lies, slander all over, fantasies, conspiracy theories etc... But this is the price of freedom that people of Libya seem to enjoy and even if the freedom of media is costly, it is better to have a chaotic freedom of expression than to have no one at all. That is why I always advise against any law or regulations that limit press freedom in Libya.

Sometimes when I meet with government people they complain: what media do we have. They say it is all slander, awful, unprofessional. I think this is dangerous because the more you say that the more you would have to look for ways of direct or indirect censorship. So in order to avoid that, the government should do something positive in support of the media. When I met with 8 editors from Arabic dailies in Tripoli they suggested that instead of complaining the government with UNSMIL assistance could help media organisations have a better professional quality of large number of journalists. This is probably something that is not difficult to organise. There is a real demand and I think by improving the professional quality of media, you will resolve not all but much of the problems we have. You cannot stop lunatics and idiots whatever Facebook or whatever it is, there would always be crazy characters and conspiracy theories, spoilers and forgers all over the world but if you have a critical good mass of journalists you can have objective media.

Q: There is a lack of support from the international community for Libya. Companies are not coming back and too much negative media coverage, particularly in West, and add to this those decisions by some governments that warn their citizens from travelling to Libya. To what extent, UNISMIL can help in making these countries and companies have a positive view of the country and make a comeback?

A: First, the United Nations have been very sober whenever we have to deal with security situation. We did not abandon Benghazi. We cannot blame those who had to flee Benghazi of course. There was a period where every week there was an assassination. You cannot blame a foreigner if or she he asks his or her compatriots to leave Benghazi. UNSMIL does not do that. In fact, we try to be more sober whenever we are asked about the security situation and conditions in Libya in New York or elsewhere. We try to be far more nuanced than you may find in the media. There were moments when I had to say look: you are putting all the blame on Libya. All the arms are smuggled in and out of Libya and Libya is responsible for all the sins of the world. This is rubbish. Libya is not Afghanistan. This is wrong. Do you have a proof that those who abducted the workers in the Algerian gas plant of IN -Amenas come from Libya or the arms are Libyan? If the Algerian intelligence service has a report that is fine but I did not see any report and why do you want me to believe that it is all Libyan responsibility.

Many say that those fighting in Mali had come from Libya, may be some Tuareg. But there is an exaggeration. Perhaps we feared and fear is legitimate, the spill over effect of Mali but this spill over effect has not been massive so far as massive as we should have feared. Because there was a time when it was believed that all those fighters (Al Qaida) from Ansar Eddine etc. would be pushed away from Timbuktu and other Malian cities and vanish in the desert where they will not stay there infinito. They have to look for a safe heaven and the safest one for them is Libya and they will cross into Niger and then they will cross into Libya. This did not happen or at least we have not seen it. So we have some legitimate fears and some of them are not justified. This is about the general description of the situation and this is what we continue to say.

On the other hand and at least from what I have seen in the Security Council, all members are interested in Libya. They want Libya to be peaceful and want to support it. People are not running away from Libya.

We also need to know that companies and capital are cowards. For Libya to attract foreign investment needs to do some work on that front and issue a code of investment. Without that people do not come even though they love to do it. But I do not know of anyone who made a decision not to come to Libya.

Q: So you think that Libya has to work on establishing favourable and welcoming business climate to attract foreign investors?
A: I think so. If you create a business atmosphere that is welcoming, then business will create jobs. The problem is that you have practically no private sector. Eighty percent of the workforce is on government payroll. What is this? You have to change the whole rules of the game and then young people who are in militias, smuggling will have something more interesting to do.

tripoli post

350,000 vulnerable as #Libyan telecom website hacked

TRIPOLI – Claims are circulating among IT specialists that the Libya Telecom and Technology (LTT) website has been hacked, making at least some of its estimated 350,000 customer accounts, including those of government ministries, vulnerable.

The IT manager and one of the founders of Electronic Front Libya, Ali Tweel, told the Libya Herald that hackers have gained access to customers’ personal information, including passwords, and some high-level business and government accounts. He added that this is not the first time that LTT, the country’s main Internet service provider, has been hacked. “This has been happening since 2011,” he said.

“We are currently investigating the accuracy of this information,” the chairman of LTT, Saad Ksheer, told the Libya Herald. “Looking into it so far, it does not show that anyone has been hacked.”

Ksheer did admit that modern technologies were becoming very complex and that information could possibly be obtained by people with the right access.

“There is a little bit of ground still to be covered,” Ksheer said, adding that thorough investigations would continue over the next week. LTT did not want to conclude its probe, he said, until the company had “clear evidence” of whether or not the site has been hacked. However, the ‘I hate LTT’ campaign group has now published what purports to be proof that the website has been hacked on its Facebook page. Images apparently show “a copy of the database of the private accounts of some subscribers,” which are accounts belonging to Tripoli University. The group said the full list showed details of 790 accounts.

The hackers have, however, removed the passwords from the posting. Other people who have apparently broken into one of LTT’s two servers, one of which houses customer data, are less cautious. A seven-minute screen cast video has been posted on YouTube, purportedly giving a step-by-step guide on how to break into the LTT server.

IT specialists have been making claims that LTT has been subject to hacking since 2011. However, in recent weeks, the allegations have been spreading through social media websites, fuelled by customers concerned about an increasingly poor service and mysteriously vanishing WiMax credit. The poor service, Ksheer says, is due to the WiMax network being completely overloaded. – Libya Herald

#libya 89 migrants found astray off Libyan coast

89 sub-Saharan African migrants have been rescued after drifting in a boat for five days before they were found afloat off the western port of Zawiyah, the LANA reported on Saturday.
Authorities were alerted by a fisherman of the stray boat, which five bodies were dumped into the oceans from due to deaths onboard, naval officer Colonel Ayub Omar Gacem said.
“Many of them were taken to hospital when they were brought to shore, the rest were provided with food and medicine on the spot,” Ayoub was quoted as saying.
The migrants told their rescuers that five people had died and they had disposed of their bodies at sea.
libya tv

20 #Gaddafi loyalists arrested after attack on southern police compound #LIBYA

Libyan authorities have arrested 20 people after an attack on a police vehicle compound in the desert south in which one person was killed, the army chief said on Saturday.
The attack on the compound took place on Thursday in the southern town of Sabha, some 800 km (500 miles) south of the capital Tripoli.
“They arrived by car, armed with guns and starting shooting. They stole some cars and escaped,” Yusef al-Mangoush, army chief of staff, told Reuters.
“One person died from injuries sustained in the attack. Those arrested have been transferred to Tripoli. We cannot say who they are yet as the investigation is still ongoing,” he said, adding the stolen cars had been retrieved.
Ahmed al-Atteibi, head of the town’s military council, told AFP a police guard and two comrades were killed in the attack, during which the assailants seized vehicles and weaponry.
He said the assailants were captured in a fierce battle and confessed to being supporters of the Kadhafi regime, ousted in Libya’s 2011 revolution, and to having infiltrated from abroad with the aim of setting up a base in the south.
Armed forces spokesman Colonel Ali Shikhi said the group were transferred to prisons in Tripoli.
In the chaos since the fall of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, Libya’s vast desert south has become a smuggling route for weapons which have reached al Qaeda militants deeper in the Sahara.
Libya’s national congress declared the south a military zone in December and ordered the temporary closure of borders with Algeria, Niger, Chad and Sudan.
Earlier on Saturday, Prime Minister Ali Zeidan met Mangoush, members of the ruling national congress and other officials to discuss improving security in the region.
“There are plans for developing the area – with better military and police,” Zeidan told reporters.
Last month, two Libyan military officers were killed and three soldiers injured when unknown assailants forced their way into a military camp near Sabha.
libya tv

#libya #Magarief calls for displaced families to return home

President of the General National Congress Mohammed Magarief has urged families who were internally displaced in Libya, to return to their home towns where the government will provide assistance with stability.
Magarief said in an interview those with issues should visit Garyounis Camp, Benghazi where help can be reached for those with issues surrounding ones return home.
As a politically complex issue, Magarief acknowledged the difficulty of those returning home and settling in to where they once called home. A great deal of preparation and consideration from all parties involved must take place before rushing into action, he added,
libya tv

#libya School exam timetable remains unchanged

The Ministry of Education has denied rumours of the postponement of examinations, in a statement received by the Libyan News Agency on Saturday.
The exam dates for primary and secondary education for the academic year 2012-2013 will remain the same.
For more information please check:
libya tv

“No To Unjust” demonstrations across #Libya

Demonstrations took place of Saturday across Libya against the unjust taking place in illegal prisons across Libya, as the government aims to crackdown.
Under the slogan “No To Unjust”, demonstrators gathered in Zawiya, Tripoli and Benghazi, the Green Mountains, and the Nafusa Mountains expressing their desire for a fair prison system, and an end to torture and arbitrary arrests.
One of the demonstration organiser’s, believed it would send a clear message that the only legal legitimacy that exists in Libya, is that put in place by the government.
He said, one of the organizers of this demonstration fiend to Libya for all free channel, that the demonstration would send a clear message that the revolution may able to correct its course and committing injustices illegality has whatever authority perpetrated, that the only legal legitimacy under the banner of the State.
libya tv

#Indian MOS for External Affairs to visit #Libya

India’s Minister of State for External affairs E. Ahamed is expected to arrive in Libya Sunday to begin a three- day visit.
Ahamed’s visit will be the first high level meeting with India and Libya’s political leaders since the 2011 revolution.
During his meetings he is scheduled to meet his Libyan counterpart and other high dignitaries.
Bilateral trade between the two countries has seen a significant growth with Indian exports reaching US$ 144 million and imports exceeding US$ 1.2 billion in the latter half of 2012-13.
Indian companies have expressed their intent to undertake projects in Libya. India has conveyed its readiness to Libya to extend assistance in Libya’s political transition and also in rebuilding of the country.
libya herald

#libya Arete Film Club Spring/Summer Schedule

Tripoli, 14 April, 2013:
Arete’s Film Club continues for Spring/Summer 2013 with a selection chosen to represent Arab cinema and a variety of Oscar-winning movies from America.
The Foundation is eager to promote and reintroduce films to Libyans, especially to those in the arts community, who suffered decades long neglect and repression at the hands of the former regimes.
All movies will be screened at the Art House, next to the Prime Minister’s office on El Sikka Road, Tripoli.
The full programme can be seen here:

Beasts of the Southern Wild (English)
Thursday 18 April 2013 – 6:00 pm.
In this magical blend of realism and fantasy, allegory and observation, 6-year-old, Hushpuppy, who lives on a stretch of Louisiana bayou resembles the heroine of a fairy tale. Her cantankerous, imaginative father, Wink, bequeaths her his squalid realm, and a spiritual way of life. Stubborn and full of guile Hushpuppy begins to search for her lost mother, while trying to save her world from natural disaster, mythic beasts and clueless leaders. Beautifully directed and acted, and made on a shoestring budge, the film was nominated to four Oscars, best picture, best director, best supporting actress, and best adapted screenplay in 2013.
Director: Benh Zeitlin Starring: Quvenzhané Wallis, Dwight Henry,
Levy Easterly
U.S.A., 2012, 93 minutes.

Here Comes The Rain (Arabic with English subtitles)                                                    Saturday 20 April 2013 – 6:00 pm
Kidnapped during the civil war in Lebanon, Ramez was thrown into prison and tortured. Released after 20 years, he emerges a shattered man. Ramez’s wife and children struggle to cope with his return; a man with ailing health detached from reality. But Ramez is not the only one coping with the war’s legacy and it is his connections with others that lead to his recovery. The film was featured in numerous festivals including the Abu Dhabi Film Festival, the Brussels Festival of Independent Film and the Festival of Arab Film in Oran, all in 2010.
Director: Bahij Hojeij Starring: Diamand Abou Abboud, Bernadette Hodei, Julia Kassar
Lebanon, 2010, 98 minutes.

Ahlaam  (Arabic with English subtitles)                                                                              Saturday 27 April 2013 – 6:00 pm
Director Mohamed Al-Daradji literally risked life and limb to bring you the only film about the Iraq war told from the Iraqi point of view. A film  that Variety calls “an ambitious work that’s both harrowing and beautiful.” Ahlaam is the tale of three patients in a Baghdad mental institution running through rioting streets after their hospital is decimated. The filmmaker had a camera in one hand and an AK-47 in the other. His crew was beaten and lined up to be shot by the insurgents, interrogated by American soldiers, his 14-year-old boom man was shot in the leg, and someone from the cast was kidnapped. Somehow, the footage survived and has evolved into a powerful, bone-chilling story of human beings struggling to make sense of unimaginable circumstances.
Director: Mohammed Al-Daraji Starring: Aseel Adel, Bashir Al Majid, Mohamed Hashim
Iraq, 2006, 110 minutes.

Rebel Without a Cause (English with Arabic subtitles)                                              Thursday 2 May 2013 – 6:00 pm
A perceptive analysis of teenage alienation and cultural disillusion, “Rebel Without a Cause” struck the complacent state of 1950s American society with a blow to the jaw. This landmark film exposed the anger and discontent beneath the prosperity and confidence of post-war America. If the notion that comfortable, middle-class white kids could harbour such feelings of anger and nameless yearning wasn’t discomforting enough, even more so was the notion that their parents were ill-equipped to understand or help them. The film was defined by the burning performances of its teenage leads, especially Dean’s raw, soulful performance, made timeless by the legendary actor’s early death shortly before the release of this extraordinary classic.
Director: Nicholas Ray Starring: James Dean, Natalie Wood, Sal Mineo                         USA, 1955, 107 minutes.

Night (Arabic)                                                                                                                                 Saturday 11 May 2013 – 6:00 pm
Set in the late 1930’s and 40’s, “Night” portrays the early decades of Syria’s struggle to transform to a modern nation, and to shape an identity despite a host of European colonial designs and alongside the Zionist state being created nearby. Viewed from a boy’s perspective, the film is a remembrance of things past in which the filmmaker tries to make sense of his childhood and come to terms with his wildly unstable father, a devoted family consumed by the historical turmoil occurring around him. Malas’s beautifully cinematic vision provides a poetic subtext to a melancholic epical story. Night won the Golden Tanit prize at the Carthage festival, and the silver prize at the Valencia film Festival, both in 1992.
Director: Mohamed Malas Starring: Sabah Al-Jazairi, Fares Al-Helou,
Omar Malas
Syria, 1992, 116 minutes.

Godfather I (English with Arabic subtitles)                                                                         Thursday 16 May 2013 – 6:00 pm
Coppolla’s decision to adapt Mario Puzo’s novel is perhaps one of the best decisions ever made in Hollywood. A true masterpiece whose set pieces, dialogue and performances are now cinematic icons, the film follows the Corleone clan, led by Don Vito, assisted by dubious deputies and several sons who play different roles. It’s indeed a tale of cold organized crime where money and influence stem from pure power, and whose only compass is blood loyalty. “The Godfather” received nine Oscar nominations, winning three for best film, best actor (Brando), and best adapted screenplay.
Director: Francis Coppolla Starring: Marlon Brandon, James Caan, Al Pacino U.S.A., 1972, 175 minutes.

Masquerade (Arabic)                                                                                                                    Saturday 18 May 2013 – 6:00 pm
After working for years as a gardener in his dusty village, Mounir dreams of improving his family’s fortune and gaining a measure of respect by marrying off his narcoleptic sister, Rym, to a “real gentleman.” However, Rym has other plans. And when Mounir declares to his village that he has has found a wealthy husband for his sister she goes along with his ruse,launching the two into a comic adventure. Beautifully brought to life by a memorable cast—including director Lyes Salem as the rambunctious Mounir—this heartfelt comedy suggests that when dreams become reality, it’s time to wake up.
Director: Lyès Salem Starring: Lyès Salem, Sarah Reguieg, Rym Takoucht.  Algeria, 2006, 94 minutes.

Kite (Arabic with English subtitles)
Saturday 25 May 2013 – 6:00 pm
On the day of her wedding, Lamia, who is only sixteen, crosses the barbed wire that separates her village from the village of her cousin and groom. Lamia’s village is Lebanese, while her cousin’s was annexed by Israel, and the only things that cross it are brides and coffins. Lamia joins her husband’s family, leaving behind her little brother, her school, her paper plane, her mother and her past. What will Lamia do with the remains of her childhood and how respond to her persistent dreams?
Director: Randa Chahal Sabag Starring: Flavia Bechara, Maher Bsaibes, Randa Asmar
Lebanon, 2003, 80 minutes.

Godfather 2 (English with Arabic subtitles)                                                                     Thursday 30 May 2013 – 6:00 pm
Francis Ford Coppola reshaped the background in Mario Puzo’s bestselling novel The Godfather and built a stunning sequel to his Oscar-winning, 1972 hit film. Robert De Niro plays Vito as a young Sicilian immigrant in turn-of-the-century New York City’s Little Italy. Coppola weaves Vito’s transformation into a powerful crime figure, with the evolution of his son Michael Corleone to spread the family’s business into pre-Castro Cuba. “The Godfather 2” is an amazingly intricate, symmetrical tragedy that touches upon several chapters of 20th-century history. This was De Niro’s first big film, and it remains Pacino’s best performance ever. The film won six Oscars including best picture, best director, and best supporting actor (De Niro).
Director: Francis Coppolla Starring: Al Pacino, Robert De Niro,
Diane Keaton, Robert Duvall
U.S.A., 1974, 200 minutes.

Amreeka (Arabic and English)                                                                                                  Saturday 1 June 2013 – 6:00 pm
“Amreeka” chronicles the adventures of Muna, a single mother who leaves the West Bank with Fadi, her teenage son, with dreams of an exciting future in the promised land of small town Illinois. In America, as her son navigates high school hallways the way he used to move through military checkpoints, the indomitable Muna scrambles together a new life cooking up falafel burgers as well as hamburgers at the local White Castle. Told with hearfelt humor by writer-director Cherien Dabis in her feature film debut, Amreeka is a universal journey into the lives of a family of immigrants and first- generation-teenagers caught between their heritage and the new world in which they now live and the bittersweet search for a place to call home.
Director: Chirrene Dabis Starring: Nisreen Faour, Melkar Muallem,
Alia Shawkat
Palestine/ USA, 2009, 96 minutes.

A New Day in Old Sana’a (Arabic with English subtitles)                                           Saturday 8 June 2013 – 6:00 pm
In this achingly romantic tale, handsome young Tariq is about to marry Bilquis, eldest daughter of a prominent and powerful judge. But as he wanders the ancient city of Sana’a late one night, he finds a new love and a new meaning to life. Before long, the young groom must choose between following his heart and protecting his family’s honour. Filmed entirely on location in the ancient city of Sana’a, this exquisite film is the first feature ever to come out of Yemen.
Director: Bader Bin Hires Starring: Nabil Saber, Dania Hamoud,
Paolo Roman
Yemen/U.K., 2006, 83 minutes.

Kramer vs. Kramer (English with Arabic subtitles)                                                       Thursday 13 June 2013 – 6:00 pm
Robert Benton’s Oscar-winning adaptation of Avery Corman’s bestseller tells the story of a jilted husband (Dustin Hoffman) who learns how to be a nurturing father. With time, Ted learns the value of family, but then Joanna (Meryl Streep) returns intent on taking custody of their son Billy. Benton’s raises the issue of balancing work and family and investigates men’s ability to nurture. Critics praised the film’s depiction of Ted’s travails, and the lead actors’s work; and audiences, touched by the film’s profundity, tenderness, and dramatic flare, turned it into a box-office smash. The film won five Oscars, including best picture, best actor (Hoffman), and best supporting actress (Streep).
Director: Robert Benton Starring: Dustin Hoffman, Meryl Streep,
Justin Henry
U.S.A., 1979, 105 minutes.

The Time that Remains (Arabic)                                                                                          Saturday 15 June 2013 – 6:00 pm
Elia Suleiman’s “The Time That Remains” combines a comic sensibility and an insider’s perspective to 60 turbulent years of Palestinian life under occupation. Suleiman contemplates how much has changed in his homeland since the Israeli declaration of independence in 1948, and how the natives have tried to maintain some continuity. Similar in style to his ‘“Chronicle of a Disappearance” and “Divine Intervention”. The Time that Remains, takes Suleiman back to Nazareth, again as actor, writer and director, to tell his story and his father’s A cool, controlled film with a detached tone and oblique, surreal outlook, “The Time that Remains” is another “masterpiece” by Suleiman wrote the Guardian’s reviewer.
Director: Elia Suleiman Starring: Ali Suliman, Elia Suleiman, Saleh Bakri               Palestine, 2009, 109 minutes.

Egyptian Maidens (Arabic)                                                                                                      Saturday 22 June 2013 – 6:00 pm
In Director Mohammed Amin’s “Egyptian Maiden” two well-educated professionally successful single women in their early thirties cannot get married no matter how hard they try. Amin lays out the comedy at first only to serve the hard truths later as his protagonists soon realize that their chances for love and fulfillment are intertwined with their nation’s difficulties. Typical of recent Egyptian cinema, the film combines various genres – melodrama, action, and slap stick comedy. Amin nonetheless succeeds in giving weight to the issues at hand with excellent performances from his leading ladies and a surprising ending.
Director: Mohammed Amin Starring: Zeina, Seba Mubarak, Eyad Nassar                      Egypt, 2010, 120 minutes.

Psycho (English)                                                                                                                             Thursday 27 June 2013 – 6:00 pm
“Psycho” depicts a meeting between Marion Crane (Lee) who flees to a secluded hotel after embezzling money from her employer, and the hotel owner, the troubled Norman Bates (Perkins). “Psycho” is a crime thriller bar none, that cleverly challenges our ability to apprehend the psychology of a killer and his complex motives. Hitchcock here excels at playing with viewers expectations and offers amazing directorial techniques borrowed from the Soviets Budovkin and Eisenstein. The film’s suspense is aided by Bernard Herman’s superb film score, especially the famous screeching violins track. “Psycho” received four Oscar nominations and is considered Hitchcock’s best film.
Director: Alfred Hitchcock Starring: Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles,
Janet Lee.
USA, 1959, 109 minutes.

Man of Ashes (Arabic with English subtitles)                                                                    Saturday 29 June 2013 – 6:00 pm
Like any groom, Hachemi is anxious about his approaching marriage, but not for the usual reasons. He feels that his new life could not begin properly unless he revisits a period in his childhood when he and his best friend Farfat were apprentices with the neighbourhood carpenter who mistreated them. Delving into the past threatens to reveal the fragility of Hachemi’s place in society, but it is a journey he feels compels to undertake.
Director: Nouri Bouzid Starring: Imed Maalal, Khaled Ksouri,
Mustapha Adouani
Tunisia, 1986, 110 minutes.

Where Do We Go Now? (Arabic with English subtitles)                                                 Saturday 6 July 2013 – 6:00 pm
Set in a remote village where the church and the mosque stand side by side, “Where Do We Go Now?” follows the antics of the town’s women to keep their self-important men from starting a religious war. Heartsick over sons, husbands and fathers who may die, and remembering the fighters and the victims lost to the previous flare-ups, these enterprising women unite to distract their men with clever ruses. And herein lies the beauty of this well-wrought comedy.
Director: Nadine Labaki Starring: Claude Baz Moussawbaa,
Nadine Labaki, Leyla Hakim
Lebanon, 2001, 110 minutes
libya herald

#libya Libyan Youth Movement looking for help

The Libyan Youth Movement is looking for volunteers to get involved in their Libyan Youth Voices Series.
LYM are seeking volunteer translators to translate text, articles and other materials from English to Arabic and vice versa.
Those interested are advised to send an email to info@shabablibya.org.
Other ways to get in contact with the LYM is through Facebook http://www.facebook.com/LibyanYouthMovement?fref=ts and twitter @shabablibya.
libya tv

#Libya deposits $2 billion in #Egypt central bank from investments

 Libya has deposited $2 billion in Egypt's central bank deducted from investments Tripoli has inside its neighbour, the central bank governor said on Saturday.
Speaking to Reuters, Saddeq Omar Elkabber said the amount was a "central bank deposit not a loan", but did not give further details.
"Libya's investments in Egypt total around $10 billion. These are in banks, property and other sectors," he said.
"Egyptian stability is important for Libya," he said. "This is like when the European Union helped Greece."
Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan told Reuters "there was no loan" made to Egypt but added the Libyan central bank "was free to make deposits where it chose".
On Wednesday, the Egyptian state news agency MENA reported Libya would give Egypt a $2 billion five-year, interest-free loan under an agreement signed that day.
It quoted a finance ministry official as saying the loan would have a three-year grace period and was intended "to support the Egyptian economy and the state budget and foreign currency reserves".
Also on Wednesday, Qatar agreed to give Egypt $3 billion more in aid by buying Egyptian government bonds, as the Arab world's most populous nation seeks to secure an IMF loan to ease its deepening economic crisis.
The new financial injections will buy Egypt time as it seeks to avert social unrest over fuel shortages and food price increases during a long, hot summer.

Lockerbie bombing: Witnesses evade police in #Libya

THE new investigation into the Lockerbie bombing appears to be stalling after Scottish police officers failed to gain access to key suspects in Libya, Scotland on Sunday can reveal.
A team from the Crown Office and the former Dumfries and Galloway force was despatched to the north African country in February following an International Letter of Request (ILOR) sent by Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland to Libyan judicial authorities.
The team – accompanied by FBI officers – are trying to establish whether a new case can be brought against Libyans suspected of being involved in the plot that brought down a US airliner over southern Scotland in 1988, killing 270 ­people.
According to the Crown Office documents released under FOI legislation, the ILOR “seeks information in relation to the ongoing investigation of others involved in the plot”. But they go on to disclose: “There was no access to any individuals of interest during this visit.”
Instead, the team met officials and ministers in tightly-controlled secure buildings in Tripoli, fuelling suspicion that the new Libyan government does not want investigations to proceed.
Former Libyan intelligence officer Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi – who died in Libya from cancer last year three years after being released from prison in Scotland – is the only person ever convicted of the atrocity but the Crown Office believes he did not act alone and the attack on Pan Am flight 103 was “an act of state sponsored terrorism”.
They have previously sought information on his co-accused, Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah, who was acquitted at the trial of the two men at Camp Zeist in Holland in 2001.
But the FOI response indicates they are more interested in “others,” although the Crown Office will not comment publicly on their identity. They are believed to include Abdullah Senussi, the former Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi’s brother-in-law, head of the intelligence services, and Megrahi’s immediate boss.
Other potential suspects include Saeed Rashid, who, an FBI report previously claimed, “managed a sustained Libyan effort to conduct terrorist attacks against US interests since the early-1980s”, and Izz Aldin Hinshiri, who was suspected of buying the trigger device for the Lockerbie bomb.John Ashton, author of Megrahi: You are my Jury, and former FBI agent Richard Marquise have both said investigations should also target Gadaffi’s former intelligence chief, Moussa Koussa, who fled the country during the Libyan revolution.
Former FBI assistant director Buck Revell, who oversaw that agency’s Lockerbie investigation until 1991, believes the Libyan authorities are trying to protect members of the former regime, and urged sanctions as a way of extracting the truth. “I think it was rather naive of us to think they would be given access,” he told Scotland on Sunday.
“I don’t fault them for trying, but there was nothing to indicate they were going to get to speak to the people they wanted to.
“It was a long shot worth taking, given the magnitude of the tragedy, but people there are still protecting elements of the previous government. They don’t believe it is in their best interests to come clean.”
He urged western governments to take a harder line. Libya already faces sanctions over arms deals and military activities, but Revell urged broader economic restrictions.
“We should hold out support and co-operation until they give us support and cooperation,” he said.
“I would look at sanctions. We’ve got commercial interests which would be upset, but those interests should take a back seat. That’s the only way we will get back in. They’ve got to know it’s going to hurt them more not to co-operate, than to do so.”
The former chief constable of the Dumfries and Galloway force, Patrick Shearer, is due to meet the Justice for Megrahi Campaign, which believes Megrahi was innocent, this week to discuss their concerns over the investigation.
The Crown Office says the new investigation is still “live” but a spokesman for Police Scotland confirmed that “in an ideal world” the team would have liked to speak to “individuals of interest”.
Prime Minister David Cameron announced the team’s visit would take place when he was in Tripoli earlier this year. However, Hameda al-Magery, the new Libyan government’s deputy justice minister, was reported as saying: “Britain and America are asking us to reopen this file. But this is something of the past. We want to move forward to build a new future, and not to look back at Gaddafi’s black history. This case was closed and both UK and US governments agreed to this. They had their compensation.”
Gaddafi paid victims’ families more than $2 billion 10 years ago, although his regime insisted it was a political move and continued to deny being behind the bombing

نائب الإخوان بالسويس: سلطات #ليبيا احتجزت «فهد الإسلام» وسجنت 12 صيادا #مصريا

السويس - سيد نون
تقدم عباس عبد العزيز، عضو مجلس الشورى عن حزب الحرية والعدالة بالسويس،

ببيان عاجل بمجلس الشورى، موجه إلى كل من رئيس مجلس الوزراء، ووزير الخارجية، بشأن احتجاز سفينة الصيد المصرية "فهد الإسلام" في ميناء طرابلس الليبي، وعلى متنها طاقمها المكون من 12 صيادا مصريا، وشخص مالطي الجنسية، والتي انقطعت أي أخبار عنهم.

وقال عباس عبد العزيز، إن ما تعرضت له سفينة الصيد المصرية، هو ضمن مسلسل متكرر لاحتجاز سفن الصيد المصرية في ليبيا، واحتجاز أطقمها، والتي أصبحت ظاهرة في الفترة الأخيرة منتهية بسفينة الصيد "فهد الإسلام "، والتي تم احتجازها يوم 24 مارس 2013، وتم إيداع طاقمها المكون من 12 صيادا مصريا ومالطي الجنسية بالسجون.

وأكد عبدالعزيز، أن سفينة الصيد مالكها مصري، وأنها كانت مؤجرة لشركة «البحر الأبيض المتوسط الليبية»، وأن الأمر عاجل وخطير ويجب التدخل عن طريق وزارة الخارجية، من أجل الإفراج عن الصيادين المصريين فوراً.

وزير الدولة للشؤون الخارجية #الهندية يصل اليوم مطار #طرابلس الدولي في زيارة #لليبيا.

طرابلس 14 أبريل 2013 ( وال ) - وصل مطار طرابلس الدولي ظهر اليوم الأحد وزير الدولة للشؤون الخارجية الهندية " أى احمد " والوفد المرافق له في زيارة عمل لليبيا . وكان في استقباله بالمطار وكيل وزارة الخارجية والتعاون الدولى " عبد الرزاق الكردي" ومدير الإدارة الآسيوية واستراليا بالوزارة " محمد الزناتي" وسفير الهند لدى ليبيا. ..(وال) ..

مديرية الأمن الوطني #بمصراتة تنظم اليوم دورة تدريبية لضباط الأمن الوطني الذين شملتهم الترقية للعام الجاري #ليبيا

مصراتة 14 أبريل 2013 ( وال ) - نظمت مديرية الأمن الوطني بمصراتة صباح اليوم الأحد دورةَ تدريبية لضباط الأمن الوطني الذين شملتهم الترقية للعام الجاري وذلك للرفع من قدرتهم وكفاءتهم في مجال تخصصهم . وحضر افتتاح الدورة التي استهدفت ستةً وعشرين ضابطًا، مديرُ الأمن الوطني بمصراته العقيد "صالح علي سميو" ورئيس قسم التدريب بالمديرية العقيد "سليمان الأحول" والمساعد للشؤون الأمنية العقيد "محمد أبو مديّس" وعدد من الضباط بالمديرية. وأكد العقيد "سميو" في كلمته بالمناسبة أن هذه الدورة ستتواصل على مدى ثلاثة أسابيع وتتضمن دروسًا في العلوم الأمنية والعلمية يلقيها ضباط ذوو خبرة وكفاءة عالية بالإضافة إلى عدد من أساتذة وأعضاء هيئات التدريس الجامعي في مختلف التخصصات التي تجعل من رجال الأمن أكثر كفاءة في مجالاتهم . وشدد على أهمية التزام الضباطَ بالمواعيد والتقيد بالانضباط خلال هذه الدورة لأنهم سيكونوا داعمين للعمل الأمني في المدينة. ( وال) وكالة الأنباء الليبية

دول الخليج تعقد اجتماعا طارئا لبحث المخاوف من تسرب #اشعاعي_ايراني.

الرياض 14 أبريل 2013 (وال) - عقد مسؤولو اللجان الوطنية للطوارئ بدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي اليوم الأحد اجتماعا في العاصمة السعودية الرياض لبحث مخاطر انتشار الاشعاع في الخليج اذا تعرضت محطة بوشهر الايرانية للطاقة النووية لزلزال آخر. وقال الأمين العام لمجلس التعاون الخليجي عبد اللطيف الزياني في بداية الاجتماع إن على دول الخليج وضع خطة مشتركة للتعاون في مواجهة أي تسرب محتمل من المحطة الايرانية . وأضاف الزياني أن الهزة الأرضية التي تعرضت لها مدينة بوشهر الايرانية أثارت قلقا بالغا في دول المجلس والمجتمع الدولي من احتمال تعرض المفاعل النووي الايراني في بوشهر لأضرار قد تتسبب في تسرب اشعاعي لا قدرالله ". وأوضح أن "دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي سبق أن نبهت الى خطورة وضع المفاعل النووي الايراني في بوشهر وحذرت من احتمال التسرب الاشعاعي وتأثيراته الضارة على البيئة الطبيعية في منطقة الخليج العربي. وأشار إلى أن دول المجلس حثت ايران من قبل على ضمان مطابقة منشآتها النووية لمعايير السلامة الدولية والانضمام الى اتفاقية السلامة النووية لكن طهران لم تبد أي علامة على تفهمها للمخاوف الدولية بشأن برنامجها النووي.وكالة الانباء الليبية

#Libya arrests 20 after attack on southern police compound

TRIPOLI: Libyan authorities have arrested 20 people after an attack on a police vehicle compound in the desert south in which one person was killed, the army chief said on Saturday.

The attack on the compound took place on Thursday in the southern town of Sabha, some 800km (500 miles) south of the capital Tripoli.

"They arrived by car, armed with guns and starting shooting. They stole some cars and escaped," Yusef al-Mangoush, army chief of staff, told Reuters.

"One person died from injuries sustained in the attack. Those arrested have been transferred to Tripoli. We cannot say who they are yet as the investigation is still ongoing," he said, adding the stolen cars had been retrieved.

In the chaos since the fall of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, Libya's vast desert south has become a smuggling route for weapons which have reached al Qaeda militants deeper in the Sahara.

Libya's national congress declared the south a military zone in December and ordered the temporary closure of borders with Algeria, Niger, Chad and Sudan.

Earlier on Saturday, Prime Minister Ali Zeidan met Mangoush, members of the ruling national congress and other officials to discuss improving security in the region.

"There are plans for developing the area — with better military and police," Zeidan told reporters.

Last month, two Libyan military officers were killed and three soldiers injured when unknown assailants forced their way into a military camp near Sabha.


#Libya coastguard rescues 89 migrants from drifting boat

(Reuters) - Libya's coastguard has rescued 89 sub-Saharan African migrants who had been drifting in a boat for five days and had to dump the bodies of five people who died on the journey overboard, the state news agency said on Saturday.
The Libyan authorities were alerted by a fisherman that the boat was adrift off the western port of Zawiyah, naval official Colonel Ayub Omar Gacem was quoted as saying by the Libyan news agency LANA.
"Many of them were taken to hospital when they were brought to shore, the rest were provided with food and medicine on the spot," Ayoub was quoted as saying.
The migrants told their rescuers that five people had died and they had disposed of their bodies at sea.
North Africa is a launchpoint for maritime migration to southern Europe, with Italy the main destination. Thousands of people have been killed attempting the dangerous crossing in overcrowded and frequently unsafe vessels.
Ayoub said this was the second such incident in two weeks after Libya's coastguard saved another 34 people, including women and children, off the west coast.
On Friday, the Italian coastguard said it had rescued almost 500 migrants crammed into five small inflatable boats off the Sicilian coast in the Mediterranean Sea after receiving distress calls overnight.
Most of the migrants were taken to Lampedusa, a tiny island south of Sicily that receives thousands of immigrants each year.
Improved spring weather conditions have increased the numbers trying to make the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean, but thousands have died due to shipwrecks, harsh conditions and a lack of food and water.
An estimated 1,500 migrants lost their lives in the Mediterranean in 2011, many of them trying to escape the turmoil caused by the Arab Spring uprisings in North Africa, according to Human Rights Watch. It estimated the death toll in 2012 at more than 300. (Reporting by Marie-Louise Gumuchian; Editing by Jon Hemming)

#libya Pressure mounts for ailing editor’s release

Tripoli, 14 April 2013:
The Libyan authorities must free Amara Hassan Al-Khatabi, editor of Al-Ummah daily and drop charges against him, says Human Rights Watch.
Al-Khatabi, who has been in detention since 19 December last year, is on trial on charges of defaming members of the judiciary. He has been on hunger strike since 28 February and on 4 April, with his health deteriorating was moved to hospital. His wife, Masara al-Ghussain has since also be refusing food.
In its November 21 edition, Al-Ummah published an article naming 87 judges, prosecutors and lawyers whom it accused accused of corruption and loyalty to Qaddafi, along with a preface stating that it had received the list from an unnamed source and was reprinting it as it was.
“Jailing journalists who accuse officials of corruption is a well-tested recipe for stifling free speech and political debate, whether or not the accusations have merit,” said Eric Goldstein, deputy Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch.
Libya must revise its laws to eliminate the offense of “insulting” officials and state institutions, and decriminalize defamation so that no one faces prison terms for that offense, HRW said. “Libya should free Khatabi and eliminate its laws that provide prison terms for nonviolent speech.”
At the beginning of last month, the Justice Minister, Salah Al-Marghani, called on the Attorney-General to release the editor on bail due to his frail health, also saying that journalists should face fines rather than prison for professional offences.

 Marghani’s call was echoed on Friday by the Minister of Culture, Habib Mohammed Al-Amin, who said that the seizure and detention of writers and journalists  should not be happening in the new Libya, and that the new constitution would guarantee freedom of expression and professional and trade union rights.
HRW pointed out that the authorities are prosecuting Khatabi under article 195 of the Qaddafi-era penal code, that stipulates, “any person who may launch what may be regarded as an attack against the Great Fateh Revolution or its leader shall be punishable by imprisonment …. The same penalty shall be levied against any person who insults the popular authority, a judicial, defence or security body”.
HRM said that it had been told by Ramadan Salem, Khatabi’s lawyer, that he had not been granted permission to visit his client, while he was detained in al-Hadhba prison, despite submitting three formal requests to the public attorney’s office.
At the most recent court session on 1 April, HRW noted that Khatabi sat in a wheelchair and that two guards had to help him to his feet when his case was called. “He remained silent throughout the proceedings, which his family attended.”

Khatabi’s lawyer had pleaded in vain for his client’s release, HRW said.
It also noted that the defence had argued in vain that Khatabi’s detention violated press law No. 76 from 1972, which stipulates that the ministers of media affairs and culture must approve in advance the arrest of a journalist. However, according to the lawyer, the public prosecutor, Naema Al-Ajeili, argued against Khatabi’s release and asked the court to impose a 15-year prison term.
The next hearing is set for 15 April.
HRW points out that Libya is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights, both of which protect the right to freedom of expression. Libya’s provisional constitutional covenant says, in article 14, that the state “shall ensure freedom of opinion, freedom of speech for individuals and groups, freedom of scientific research, freedom of communication, freedom of press, media, printing, and distribution,” so long as it is not “contrary to public order.”
To protect freedom of speech, Libya should eliminate all laws that provide penalties for “insulting” public officials and institutions, and eliminate laws criminalising defamation, HRW have said.
“While everyone has a right to redress when their reputation has been impugned, the remedies should be limited to civil suits with penalties other than imprisonment. Moreover, to protect the public’s interest in free-ranging debate on matters of governance, courts should apply a higher threshold before imposing sanctions on people deemed to have defamed public figures.”
“Instead of using Qaddafi-era laws to put journalists in prison, Libya should be revising its laws to protect the unbridled public debate and access to information that Libyans have for so long been denied”, HRW said.
libya herald

رئيس «ميناء السد العالي»: نعمل على تيسير عودة 173 #سودانيا مرحلين من #ليبيا

أسوان - أ ش أ قال أسعد عبد المجيد، رئيس هيئة ميناء السد العالي بأسوان، إن الهيئة تقوم بالتنسيق مع هيئة وادى النيل للملاحة النهرية التي تعمل بين مصر والسودان، لتيسير عودة 173 سودانيا إلى بلادهم بعد تواجدهم بميناء السد العالي منذ يوم الاثنين الماضى نتيجة ترحيلهم من قبل السلطات الليبية.

وأشار إلى أنه تم إخطار القنصلية العامة لجمهورية السودان بأسوان بالأوضاع الإنسانية لهؤلاء الأشخاص للتحرك فورا لإعادتهم إلى بلادهم.

ولفت إلى أن محافظة أسوان تكفلت بتقديم كافة الرعاية الاجتماعية والمعيشية لهؤلاء الأشخاص ،حيث يتم انفاق ما يقرب من 5 آلاف جنيه يوميا كإعاشة لهؤلاء الأشخاص منذ ترحيلهم من قبل السلطات الليبية إلى أسوان.

#المقريف: عودة سكان #تاورغاء لديارهم محل اهتمام المؤتمر الوطنى الليبى

أكد رئيس المؤتمر الوطنى الليبى العام الدكتور محمد المقريف أن قضية عودة نازحى سكان مدينة تاورغاء إلى ديارهم محل اهتمام من قبل المؤتمر، وأن المؤتمر سوف يحث الحكومة على تهيئة كل أسباب الاستقرار والخدمات بشأن عودتهم.

وقال المقريف، فى تصريحات لقناة ليبيا الحرة أذيعت، اليوم الأحد، لدى زيارته مخيم قاريونس للنازحين فى بنغازى: "إن قضية سكان تاورغاء من القضايا المهمة التى يجب أخذها فى الاعتبار، وضرورة بحثها والتحضير لها، إلى جانب الاستماع إلى كل الأطراف المعنية".

وأضاف "إن المؤتمر الوطنى الليبى العام لم يهمل مقترح خارطة الطريق التى تقدمت بها كتلة الرأى المستقل، لكن هنالك قضايا كثيرة تتمثل فى إجازة الميزانية وقانون العزل السياسى قد أدت إلى تأخير هذا الأمر".

كان المقريف قد استمع، أثناء زيارته لمخيم قاريونس الليبى للنازحين فى بنغازى، إلى عدد من المطالب والمقترحات التى تقدم بها مشايخ، وأعيان تاورغاء بشأن عودتهم إلى ديارهم، مؤكدا لهم أن هذه القضية ليست بسيطة، ولها أبعاد كثيرة ينبغى أن تؤخذ فى الاعتبار، ويجب ألا يتم بحث هذا الموضوع فى عجالة وبدون تحضير جيد، والاستماع إلى الأطراف المعنية كافة.

يذكر أنه خلال حرب التحرير الليبية تم اتهام العديد من أبناء مدينة تاورغاء الليبية بأنهم قاموا باعتداءات على مدينة مصراته المجاورة لها، ومنها تهم القتل والاغتصاب، بسبب وجود عدد كبير من أبناء وسكان تاورغاء فى مليشيات وكتائب النظام الليبى السابق. وبعد نجاح الثورة الليبية قام ثوار مدينة مصراته الليبية بتهجير سكان المدينة، وأصبحوا نازحين فى عدد من المناطق الليبية.
اليوم السابع

آمر منافذ الجبل باللواء الغربية - درع #ليبيا يقدم استقالته .

جادو 14 أبريل 2013 ( وال ) -قدم العقيد " أحمد يخلف عبد الرحمن " أحد مؤسسي درع ليبيا وآمر المنافذ الجبل باللواء الغربية - استقالته من منصبه . وأوضح العقيد " أحمد يخلف " - لمراسل وكالة الأنباء الليبية بمدينة جادو - أن سبب استقالتـه راجع لأسباب أمنية . (وال - جادو) وكالة الأنباء الليبية

#زيدان ينفي ترحيل بعض النازحين إلى مدينة #بنغازي

وال - نفى رئيس الحكومة المؤقتة علي زيدان ما تداول من حديث حول نية الحكومة ترحيل بعض النازحين إلى مدينة بنغازي.
مؤكدا أن هذه المعلومة غير صحيحة، ولا توجد أي نية لترحيل أي نازحين أو غيرهم إلى بنغازي أو لأي منطقة أخرى، وقال زيدان في تصريح لوكالة الأنباء الليبية، عقب الاجتماع الاستثنائي لمجلس الأمن القومي المعني بالأزمات، الذي يضم رئاسة المؤتمر الوطني العام، ورئاسة الحكومة المؤقتة في اجتماع استثنائي أمس السبت، بأن هذه الأمور لم نفكر فيها، ولن نفكر فيها بتاتا لأنه ليس هناك ضرورة إلى ذلك.

#ليبيا وزيرالمواصلات والنقل يناقش مع رئيس أركان الدفاع الجوي التعاون المشترك لحماية الاجواء الليبية .

طرابلس 14 أبريل 2013 ( وال )- استعرض وزير المواصلات والنقل بالحكومة المؤقته كابتن طيار " عبد القادر محمد أحمد " مع رئيس أركان قوات الدفاع الجوي العميد " جمعة حسين العباني " في الاجتماع الذي عقداه اليوم الأحد بطرابلس التعاون المشترك بين رئاسة أركان قوات الدفاع الجوي ووزارة المواصلات والنقل في مجالي الطيران المدني ومركز المعلومات حول الطيران المدني وحماية المجال الجوي وسيادة الاجواء الليبية . وشارك في الاجتماع المهندس " فوزي بالتمر " وكيل الوزارة لشؤون الطيران والنقل الجوي ، ومعاون رئيس الأركان العقيد " محمد حماد " ومدير عام مصلحة الطيران المدني ، وامراء مدرسة الدفاع الجوي التعبوية وشعبة النظم الالية وفرع الطيران الالي وعدد من الخبراء والمختصين في مجال الطيران المدني والدفاع الجوي . وتناول الاجتماع بالنقاش التعاون القائم بين الطيران المدني والدفاع الجوي في مجال الكشف الراداري والخطوات الايجابية لاعادة بناء الدفاع الجوي والتعاون في المجالات التعليمية والتدريبية في الطيران المدني والعمل على الرفع من مستوى الاداء بما يمكن من الحفاظ على الاجواء وتوفير معايير السلامة والامن والدفاع عن الأجواء الليبية وسيادتها . قام بعدها وزير المواصلات والنقل والمشاركون في الاجتماع من خبراء الطيران والدفاع الجوي رفقة رئيس أركان قوات الدفاع الجوي بجولة بفرع الطيران الآلي والكتيبة 503 ومدارس النظم الالية والتعبئة بقوات الدفاع الجوي وكتيبة الرواصد والاندار ومركز العمليات .. حيث اطلع وزير المواصلات على فرع الطيران الآلي وغرفة التحكم والسيطرة على الطائرات بدون طيار والطيران لغرض التصوير لارتفاع منخفض لحوالي 300 متر ، والطيران دون طيار للطائرات بسرعة 700 كلم في الساعة ومدرسة النظم الالية. كما استمع السيد وزيرالمواصلات إلى شروح وافية عن المعمل الراداري والتعاون القائم بين الطيران المدني وقوات الدفاع الجوي والكشف الراداري للمنطقة الشرقية والغربية المزودة بمعدات وأجهزة حديثة ومتطورة . وأوضح وزير المواصلات والنقل بالحكومة المؤقته الكابتن " عبد القادر محمد أحمد " أن الاجتماع يأتي ضمن التعاون والتنسيق والتكامل القائم بين رئاسة أركان الدفاع الجوي ومصلحة الطيران المدني لحماية الاجواء الليبية . وأكد في تصريح لوكالة الأنباء الليبية على أهمية النتائج التى تحققت خلال هذا الاجتماع الناتجة من الحرص والمسؤولية التي أبداها الخبراء في مصلحة الطيران ورئاسة أركان الدفاع الجوي ومحطات الردار والاتصالات ووحدات الصواريخ بالعمل والتعاون من حماية الاجواء الليبية . ( وال ) وكالة الأنباء الليبية

#ليبيا المجلس المحلي والعسكري ومجلس الحكماء والشورى بالحوامد يؤكد على التمسك بشرعية الدولة المتمثلة في المؤتمر الوطني العام والحكومة المؤقتة .

الحوامد 14 أبريل 2013 ( وال) - أكد المجلس المحلي والعسكري ومجلس الحكماء والشورى بالحوامد ،على التمسك بشرعية الدولة المتمثلة في المؤتمر الوطني العام باعتباره خيار الشعب الليبي وإرادته الحرة ،ومؤازرة ومساندة الحكومة الليبية المؤقتة برئاسة الأستاذ " علي زيدان " ومباركة قراراتها في بناء دولة ليبيا الجديدة لتحقيق مبادئ ثورة 17 فبراير المجيدة . وأشاد المجلس - في بيان تلقت وكالة الأنباء الليبية اليوم الأحد نسخة منه - أن ثوار وأهالي الحوامد بكل مكوناتهم الاجتماعية يسجلون تقديرهم وامتنانهم الكاملين للخيِّرين في كل مناطق ليبيا الذين ضحى أبناؤهم من أجل تحرير ليبيا ونيل كرامتها بانتصار ثورة 17 فبراير المجيدة . وأكد البيان ، أن الثوار الشرفاء من أبناء قبائل الحوامد - والذين خرجوا وهم عزل لمقاومة الظلم والاستبداد ومجابهة النظام البائد - على استعداد لمواجهة ومقاومة أي قوة أو جماعة ظلامية تحاول المساس بأمن الوطن والمواطن أوالعبث به . واستهجن البيان ، الخروقات الأمنية كافة التي تستهدف كيان الدولة ومؤسساتها الشرعية التي أجمع عليها الليبيون في انتخاب حر مباشر والمتمثل في المؤتمر الوطني العام والحكومة الليبية المؤقتة . واستنكر البيان ، محاولات بث الرعب وتهديد السلم الاجتماعي من قبل بعض المجموعات والعناصر المحسوبة على ثوار ليبيا الأبطال ، بقصد النيل من هيبة الدولة وعرقلة مسيرتها لإنجاز الاستحقاقات العاجلة لأبناء الشعب الليبي الحر . وأكد البيان ، أن الحوامد كانت ولازالت وستظل إحدى أعمدة التاريخ الوطني المشرف على مختلف مراحله بدءا من ثورة غومة المحمودي ضد ظلم بعض ولاة الحكم التركي... مرورا بمعارك الجهاد ضد المستعمر الإيطالي وصولا لمعارك التحرير الوطني في مواجهة حكم الظلم والاستبداد . ( وال- نالوت ) وكالة الأنباء الليبية

#ليبيا افتتاح معرض الصور الشمسية الليبي الألماني بمدينة #ودان .

ودان 14 أبريل 2013 (وال)- افتتحت بمكتبة ودان العامة مساء أمس السبت ، فعاليات المعرض الليبي الألماني الذي تنظمه جمعية شباب التغيير الحضاري بودان ، بالتعاون مع السفارة الألمانية في ليبيا . ويضم المعرض - الذي سيستمر لمدة خمسة أيام - عشرات الصور الشمسية التي التقطها أربعة مصورين فنانين هم : " ماتياس تودت " و" ميركوا كيلبيرت " من ألمانيا ، و" طه كريوي " و" أيمن فانتوم " من ليبيا . وتتناول هذه الصور ، جماليات الطبيعة ، وتفاعل الإنسان مع مكوناتها وتشكيلاتها المختلفة . وحضر افتتاح المعرض ، جمع من أبناء وبنات مدينة ودان ومحبي جماليات وهواة التصويرالفوتوغرافي . ( وال - الجفرة ) وكالة الأنباء الليبية

#ليبيا مؤسسات المجتمع المدني الليبي تطالب برفض الإعتقالات والتعذيب

أ ش أ: أكدت مؤسسات المجتمع المدني والقوى الوطنية الليبية وسكان مدينة الزاوية الليبية  رفضها لما صفته بـ "الاعتقالات التعسفية والتعذيب والسجون غير الشرعية"، والتي تديرها مجموعات خارجة عن القانون فى ليبيا. وقالت اللجنة المنظمة لنشاط تلك المؤسسات - في بيان لها اليوم الأحد - "إن هذه الإجراءات تتنافى مع مبادئ ثورة 17 فبراير الليبية، والتي تنادى بحرية وكرامة الإنسان في كل مكان". وأضافت "إنها سوف تستمر في تنظيم تظاهرات للتنديد بعدم شرعية تلك السجون ورفض التعذيب، بالتعاون مع مؤسسة "سلمتم للتنمية الشاملة" و"المركز الليبي للحقوق والحريات وبمشاركة عدد من مؤسسات المجتمع المدني الليبية المختلفة". وفى هذا السياق، قام سكان الزاوية برفع الأعلام الوطنية واللافتات المنددة بالممارسات الخاطئة التى تقوم بها المجموعات الليبية المسلحة والخارجة عن القانون، مؤكدين خلو المدينة من كل السجون والمعتقلات غير القانونية، وقالوا إن كل سجون المدينة خاضعة لجهاز الشرطة القضائية الليبية ووزارة الداخلية. ووجهت اللجنة نداء إلى المواطنين فى كل المدن الليبية التى بها سجون خارج عن شرعية الدولة ، طالبتهم فيه بسرعة الإبلاغ عنها وعن أى مجموعات مسلحة تعمل خارج شرعية الدولة والقانون.
أ ش أ - محيط

#فن مغني «غانغام ستايل» يطلق فيديو أغنيته الجديدة.. «جنتلمان»

قدم المغني الكوري الجنوبي ساي حفلاً ضخماً السبت في سيول تم نقله مباشرة عبر موقع يوتيوب لإطلاق أغنيته الجديدة «جنتلمان» التي تباينت الآراء الأولية حولها، ولتقديم الشريط المصور الخاص بالأغنية بعد أشهر على إطلاقه أغنية «غانغام ستايل».
وفي ظل أجواء التوتر التي تسود شبه الجزيرة الكورية بسبب تهديدات كوريا الشمالية بقصف جارتها الجنوبية، شارك حوالى 50 ألف شخص في الحفل الذي انطلق قرابة الساعة 18,30 (09,30 ت غ) على مدرج سيول الذي تم تصميمه لاستضافة مباريات كأس العالم في كرة القدم 2002.
وبعد ابداء أسفه إزاء «المأساة» التي تمزق الكوريتين، تعهد ساي باسماع صوته إلى ما وراء الحدود كي يشاركه الكوريون الشماليون «الفرح» الذي تمنحه أغنياته.
وقال ساي خلال مؤتمر سبق الحفل: «هذا المساء، 50 ألف كوري وأنا (...) سنغني بصوت عال (...) كي يسمعونا».
وطرح ساي أغنيته الجديدة «جنتلمان» رسمياً منتصف ليل الجمعة في 119 بلداً لتحتل بسرعة المرتبة الأولى في المبيعات على عدد كبير من مواقع تحميل الموسيقى في كوريا الجنوبية.
وأبدى معجبون بالمغني الكوري الجنوبي أسفهم لتأخير طرح الشريط المصور للأغنية والذي تم تنزيله على موقع يوتيوب عند الساعة 21,00 (12,00 ت غ) السبت وليس الجمعة مع طرح الأغنية.
وتتحدث الأغنية عن «جنتلمان» (رجل دمث الخلق) يحاول إغواء النساء خلال سهرة. وتتميز هذه الأغنية بإيقاعها السريع ونصها الذي يتضمن كلمات بالإنكليزية أكثر مما تضمنه نص أغنية «غانغام ستايل» التي كانت معظم كلماتها باللغة الكورية، في إشارة إلى تطلع ساي إلى جمهور عالمي.
ويقول ساي في الأغنية بالكوري: «دعوني اعرفكم عني. إنني شخص فتان أتمتع بالجرأة، الإصرار والفكاهة».
وأظهر استطلاع للرأي أجري الجمعة على 2000 شخص على موقع «دوم .نت»، أحد أبرز مواقع المعلومات في كوريا الجنوبية، إن 38,9 في المئة من المستطلعين وصفوا الأغنية بـ«جيدة أو جيدة جداً» و48,3 في المئة وصفوها بـ«عادية أو مملة».
وسبق أن وعد ساي بإرفاق أغنيته الجديدة بـ«رقصة ساي» مستوحاة من الرقصات التقليدية الكورية، بعد النجاح العالمي الكبير لأغنيته «غانغام ستايل» ورقصة الحصان التي رافقتها العام 2012.
وأشار ساي إلى أن: «الرقصة معروفة من جميع الكوريين لكن ليس من الأجانب. سوف نقدمها ضمن اسلوب ساي».
واحتلت الأغنية المراتب الأولى على قائمة مبيعات خدمة «اي تيونز» في دول آسيوية عدة خصوصاً في سنغافورة وهونغ كونغ وماليزيا، إلا أنها لم تحقق سوى المرتبة التسعين في سباق الأغنيات الأميركي.
وفي بريطانيا، احتلت «جنتلمان» المرتبة الـ25 إلا أنها واجهت انتقادات لاذعة. فقد وصفت صحيفة التايمز الأغنية بأنها: «أشبه بمعزوفة لولد في السابعة من العمر على الأورغن».
ولا شك في أن تكرار نجاح أغنية «غانغام ستايل» التي حققت أكثر من 1,5 بليون مشاهدة سيكون صعباً، إلا أن وسائل الإعلام الكورية الجنوبية تشدد على أن ساي ليس فناناً مبتدئاً إذ أن في رصيده ستة ألبومات على مدى أكثر من عشر سنوات على الساحة الغنائية الكورية الجنوبية.
جريدة الحياة

تعليق العمل بغرفة التجارة والصناعة والزراعة #ببنغازي .

بنغازي الأحد 14 أبريل 2013 ( وال) - نظّم العاملون بغرفة التجارة والصناعة والزراعة ببنغازي صباح اليوم الأحد ، وقفة احتجاجية أمام مبنى الغرفة ، بمشاركة عدد من أعضاء الجمعية العمومية ورجال الأعمال رفضا لما وصفوه بالتجاوزات والمخالفات القانونية والتشريعية بمجلس إدارة الغرفة . وطالب المشاركون في هذه الوقفة ، بتشكيل لجان تحقيق فى التجاوزات والخروقات بالغرفة ، وتكليف لجنة تسييرية من رجال الأعمال الوطنيين ذوي الكفاءة والنزاهة ، وتنفيذ مطالب الموظفين من حيث التعيين ومنح السلف والتأمين الصحي والتدريب . وقرروا - فى بيان لهم تلقت وكالة الأنباء الليبية نسخة منه - تعليق العمل بالغرفة إلى حين تنفيذ مطالبهم . (وال - بنغازي ) وكالة الأنباء الليبية